Every job begins with a plan. Some plans, however, are more complex than others. For example, bridge construction, highway expansion, and public works projects often require significant amounts of planning. In the case of major road construction projects, for instance, the installation of a temporary roadway is the secret to keeping both the traffic and the project going, even when Mother Nature has other plans. Close attention to trench box dimensions and the proper placement of trench shoring boxes create safe working conditions for road crew members and fewer disruptions for drivers and, sometimes, pedestrians.
Contractors, Engineers, and Public Works Planners Make Use of Exact Trench Box Dimensions for Projects of All Sizes
As Trump tries to distract the nation from the latest news about his firing of the FBI agent, it should come as no surprise that he uses a major infrastructure improvement announcement to rally both his current followers and his skeptics. The fact that so many bridges and roads in America are in need of major repair, and even replacement, is perhaps the one rallying cry that can unite a nation otherwise divided on many issues. As both government offices and private companies attempt to find the funding for the extensive work that needs to be done, an entire industry lays in wait prepared to help all of these projects be both safe and successful. From access road construction crews to aluminum trench shield manufacturers, few projects of any size are ever completed on time without proper preparation and planning.
Different types of shoring materials are used for different projects, but nearly every sizable construction project requires close attention to details like trench box dimensions and other kinds of excavation support methods. Consider some of these startling statistics about the amount of infrastructure work that needs to be tackled in the U.S.:
- 200 million trips are taken daily across deficient bridges in the nation?s 102 largest metropolitan areas.
- One in nine of the nation?s bridges hace structurally deficient ratings.
- 42 years is the average age of the nation?s 607,380 bridges.
- $20.5 billion a year from now until 2028 is the amount that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates needs to be spent every year to eliminate the nation?s bridge deficient backlog. Unfortunately, the annual amount currently being spent is only $12.8 billion.
- Every bridge construction project requires extensive planning and implementation of shoring trench boxes and other safety measures, as well as safe traffic diversion plans.