Computer tips are very easy to come by these days. There are plenty of free computer tips offered online, and even better is that these same tips can come from people you know. Getting into computers is proving to be an excellent business venture.
Not to say that you should become best friends with someone just because they know their way around a computer. There are more than enough ways to solve your computer problems or put one together. Making sure your computer is clean on a monthly basis is one tip.
Especially in spaces like college dorms or small dens, dust can settle in the computer very quickly. This can build up on the fans, so if your computer seems to be running slow, it may be because it is overheating and needs to be cleaned.
Some more tips for a faster computer involve checking to make sure your drivers are all up to date, making sure you schedule regular virus checks, and having online backup so you do not bog down your computer with all your pictures, documents, and music. A computer with open space will run faster than a computer that has no space left.
Another tip is to make sure the computer is in a safe, neutral temperature. Cold is always good, but if it is too hot, consider having a fan for you computer as they can overheat and fry.
Finding computer tips relevant to your situation can be easy. If there are not just simple maintenance problems, but issues with the computer parts or anything else, it may be easier to search your question online than to ask someone about it.