Few things can be more frustrating than a computer that does not do what you expect it to do. But crashes, glitches, problems, and bugs are all part of the territory, whether you use a Mac or a PC. So it never hurts to have a few resources handy before you face the “eternally spinning beach ball” or the “blue screen of death”.
First off, always start at the source. The problem you are encountering may in fact be a common one, and more often than not a manufacturer will provide an FAQ section to tackle those very issues. Most answers will walk you through a step by step tutorial to make sure the problem is not just a mischecked box or incorrectly setup piece of software. But if, after all that, your machine still has problems, it may be time to venture out into the great big world, and bring your question to the Internet forums.
The Internet houses a massive and omnipresent community of programmers, troubleshooters, and certified computing MacGyvers eager to take on the most complex of computing conundrums. The most common way to tap into this resource is to post your problem to a PC or Apple computer tips forum. These forums exist as a world wide community to share free computer tips and software enhancement ideas, as well as to speculate and commiserate on the latest and greatest releases from their platform of choice.
A quick search, too, will turn up hundred of website results for either PC or Apple computer tips and tricks, encompassing everything from specific repairs to overall tuneups to simple ways to extend your battery life or speed up your processors. And keep checking back, since new articles are being written everyday on tweaks and workarounds to make your computer do all the things you need it to do, and to do them all faster.