Roughly half of all users with mobile phones own a smartphone including Apple mobile devices and if you are using a BYOD policy for your business, then you will need iPhone enterprise management software in place so that you can protect these users as well as your company from a variety of issues. Today, 10 percent of all internet traffic is done from mobile devices and through proper iPhone enterprise management software, you can make sure that when that internet usage takes place on company time and on the company network that it is not putting any sensitive data at risk. Every ipad in the enterprise needs to be watched and protected and by giving your IT professionals proper software, they will be able to enact a plan for iphone management that far surpasses what you had in place before.
Less than 10 percent of companies that have a BYOD plan utilize a policy that allows them to wipe company data while leaving personal data intact and if you would like your iPhone enterprise management software to stand out and make more employees enticed to be on the network, this is feature you should incorporate into your iPhone security measures. By being diligent about your efforts in iPhone enterprise management, you will be able to give your employees the freedom they need to maximize their usage of the network without exposing your data. On the flip side, your IT department will have an easier time keeping track of and updating software.