The First Presbyterian Church of Spokane is hosting Handel’s Messiah Community Sing-A-Long Concert this year on Sunday, December 14 at 4 P.M.
The Church is inviting anyone and everyone to attend, and event organizers are also opening up two other ways that attendees can participate:
First, anyone wishing to sing along in the choruses are invited to do so, and there is no pre-registration, fee, or past singing experience required. Organizers ask that singers merely arrive at the church no later than 2:15 P.M. on the day of the concert, in order to be registered and seated in time for a 2:30 P.M. rehearsal. Singers may bring their own scores, and scores will also be available to purchase at the rehearsal.
Second, anyone who wishes to get even more involved is encouraged to participate in the Chancel Choir, which will be performing with a featured orchestra. Rehearsals have already begun for the Chancel Choir, but the final rehearsal will be held from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. in the Choir Room (on the third floor of the church) on December 11; this last rehearsal will be the dress rehearsal with the orchestra.
For a preview of what to expect in the 2014 Handel’s Messiah Sing-a-Long, a full-length video of the church’s 2012 Sing-a-Long is available on YouTube — considering that nearly 50% of teens today have uploaded photos or videos online, it’s almost surprising that there aren’t more samples of what this year’s performance will entail. This year’s choir will feature guest conductor Dr. Keith Whitlock, as well as soloists Christie Jones, Jan Priddy, Tom Williams, and John Frankhauser.
Anyone who simply wishes to come and enjoy and music is more than welcome to attend. There is no admission, but donations to cover the expenses of the performance and to support the Church are greatly appreciated. Any questions about the event can be directed to Garth Hangartner. the Director of Worship and Music, at garthh@spokanefpc.org More. Continue reading here. See this reference for more.