According to a 2011 U.S. Census Bureau report, 75.6 percent of American households have at least one computer; and 71.6 percent of those households have access to the internet. The tremendous growth of computers and the internet over the last two decades have made them more popular in the United States than cable television!
Undoubtedly, most computer users will not know the first thing about the technical aspects of their computers. Sure, they will know how to use a mouse, a search engine, Facebook, and send email, but when they encounter the Blue Screen of Death or their machine gets hit with a virus, most will be helpless. Understandably, with so many technically deficient people using computers everyday there are bound to be tens of thousands of them who are seeking solutions for countless issues.
Assuming that the majority of computer questions will come from novice computer users, the majority of issues can be resolved by referencing basic computer tips. But there are times when even the more technically inclined computer users find themselves confounded by bizarre problems and new viruses. Among the most frustrating computer issues, speed always seems to top the list.
As our threshold for frustration continues to decline, more and more people are seeking faster computer tips. Fortunately, the performance of more than 80 percent of slow computers can be improved by following free computer tips for a faster computer. According to the AOL Computer Checkup, slow computer performance can usually be attributed to old data, files, and other junk that is left behind. Naturally, when cyber junk accumulates in a computer hard drive, its performance is going to be impeded. Computers can also be slowed down considerably by, ironically, the security software that is intended to protect them.
While it is inevitable that older computers will perform more slowly as a result of typical hard drive wear, the most effective faster computer tips for newer computers recommend cleaning the hard drive. The good news is effective cleaning software is available for free online, or it can be bought for as little as ten bucks. Of course, since you usually get what you pay for, it is always better to spend a little more on the best cleaning software you can afford.