What separates a successful business from an unsuccessful one? This is a question many businessowners, entrepreneurs and managers ask themselves everyday. If you’ve found yourself frustrated with a seemingly endless barrage of new technologies and aren’t sure where to get started upgrading, take a glance at the list below. It’ll cover everything from long-distance contact to better web design — after all, now has never been a better time to get started!
What Are VoIP Solutions?
If you want to connect with people across the country easily, updating your VoIP capabilities should be on your to-do list. Ongoing research has predicted mobile VoIP users will reach at least one billion by the end of 2017, making it one of the fastest growing technological initiatives out there. Short for Voice Over Internet Protocol, this technology makes it easier than ever to contact people no matter where they are using a high-quality broadband Internet connection. Of course, a solid business model isn’t complete unless it uses all of the resources at its disposal. While adding better VoIP capabilities is a good start, you need to check out how your data management is doing.
What Are Cloud Services?
Staying connected all days of the week can be a daunting task, especially if you have a business composed of dozens to hundreds of workers. Thankfully, cloud computing services are an easily accessible means of keeping everyone on the same page no matter what. Over 80% of all enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy, with another 88% of organizations using a public cloud. Yet more use private clouds, making this a highly efficient and flexible model no matter what services or products you’re trying to sell. Of course, networking consulting won’t do much if the website your customers find isn’t up to snuff!
What Is Web Design?
A strong web presence is essential if you want to present a good first impression to potential customers. Likewise, poor web design can compromise your client base and leave you lagging behind. Studies have shown websites have an average of 10 seconds to leave a positive impact on customers, though recent surveys have seen as many as 40% of people abandoning a web page entirely if it takes more than three seconds to load. While it can be tempting to use flashy advertisements and a lot of visual detail, less is usually more. This crosses over to mobile technology, to boot, and can’t possibly be overlooked on the road to success.
What Is Mobile-Friendly Design?
Similar to good web design, a mobile-friendly web site allows customers to easily access their favorite websites on their tablet or smartphone. Since more and more business is being conducted on the go, any website that isn’t customized to handle the quick and more confined spaces of a tablet or phone risks being tossed to the wayside. Studies have shown 40% of people choosing a different search result if the first one isn’t mobile friendly, while another 46% of users reported constant difficulty interacting with many web pages.
Where Do I Get Started?
Whether it’s gathering up the best web designers or contacting an IT specialist to discuss VoIP possibilities, getting started now will be the most important step. Technology waits for no one and even as you read this the latest digital marketing tactics and data storage techniques are updating rapidly. VoIP will ensure your calls aren’t lost as you contact people all across the world, while cloud services will guarantee your data is easily accessed by necessary parties. Web design and mobile design go hand-in-hand these days and will allow customers to feel they’re getting a solid impression of what you have to offer. What are you waiting for? Get the ball rolling today and feel the changes tomorrow.