New Sales Software For Your Independant Pharmacy

Pharmacy software

Are you the owner of an independent pharmacy or hospital outpatient pharmacy looking for ways to compete with the bigger stores and markets in your area? You may be surprised to hear that one of the ways to do that is to upgrade your point of sale system to the newest technologies. Any pharmacy software company will tell you that the recent advancements in pharmacy point of sale systems are beneficial not only to the business owner, but to their employees and customers. Here’s how:

1. Mobile Systems – Have you been somewhere recently that used a mobile point of sale system? Maybe they were using an Ipad or another tablet format. The growth of mobile sales systems is booming. In fact, from 2011 to 2012, the number of mobile point of sale terminals grew 111% to reach 9.5 million terminals. Those numbers are from three years ago so you can only imagine how much they’ve grown since! Mobile point of sales systems are quick, simple, and easy to use for both cashier and consumer. Ask the pharmacy software company you are working with if a mobile system could be right for your store!

2. Electronic Signature Capture – As a pharmacy owner you already understand the strict privacy laws that your business must abide by. Part of those laws require that a signature be taken for each transaction. For that reason, a pharmacy software company somewhere decided that they should integrate that need into the point of sale systems. Now, your pharmacy POS systems can be equipped with signature capturing programs that keep the patient’s signature on file for future comparison.

3. Loyalty Programs – In today’s society it seems like rewards points and loyalty programs are everywhere from your local sandwich shop, to airlines and clothing stores. Why should your pharmacy not be involved with this sort of customer satisfaction? New POS systems are able to keep track of whatever type of customer loyalty program you decide would be best for your business.

As you can see, the advancements in pharmacy point of sales systems are vast. The best part about it is that all three of the perks mentioned above can be included in one single system. It is truly a one stop shop. If you think that your current sales system isn’t helping to provide excellent customer service and is a constant hindrance to your employees you may want to consider an upgrade. You’ll be glad you did!

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