White label email marketing is the same as private label email marketing. Private label email marketing software is the same as white label email marketing software. Do you know why? Because private label email and white label email are the exact same thing. Yes, I am serious. No, I have absolutely no idea why the exact same thing has two names. I suppose its like the word movie versus the word cinema.
So what is white label email? White label email refers to the practice of having an email hosting company host your email. But while someone else is hosting it, you can redesign the look of the email and put your name and your logo all over it so that internet users think you are in fact running your own email and not outsourcing it. There you have it. White label email.
Why would a company do such a thing? Why would it need white label email? Why do they not run their own email? I think its great. Its wonderful that companies are finally outsourcing things they are not good at. Maybe a company is really good at what they do but they are the type to drop the ball with email and the like, costing them valuable clientele. I know I do not continue to do business with companies who can not even keep their email straight. So a company that switches over to white label email, outsourcing it, is spending money very wisely. At least, that is what this writer thinks.
Who are these companies providing white label email? They are consultants. They are consultants that specialize in keeping up with technology and trends so that you do not have to. They make their money being good at things like email. And you can simply focus on your business and what you are good at.