At a time when mobile phones comprise a larger share of total Internet usage and when search engines process more than a trillion requests every year, website design and maintenance are essential to any successful business model. Most businesses, large and small, have at least some kind of online presence. From a modest home website to accounts on 10 social media sites, a company’s Internet presence can truly affect its brand image and, ultimately, the amount of business it receives.
Web designing does more than just create a website. It is also a useful tool for marketing. That is, an excellent website design job can attract more attention and customers without using traditional ads. How? One way is by configuring website content for search engine optimization (SEO), one of the most popular kinds of marketing in the Internet today.
Search engine optimization is the method of creating online content that attracts the attention of search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! for relevant search content. Search engines use sophisticated algorithms and computer programs to search the World Wide Web for relevant content. SEO campaigns attempt to “figure out” these programs and then designs web content in order to best accommodate them. The purpose of this is to ensure that a client’s website is featured prominently on search results pages. The higher the position, the more attention and traffic it will receive.
Focusing on search engines comes with its advantages. Search engines are the top driver of Internet traffic to content websites. Moreover, more than 93% of all sessions on the Internet start on a search engine. Search engine optimization marketing has come into prominence over the years, and it is now one of the most popular and effective methods of digital marketing today.
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