Few people actually think about how their local pharmacies are making the healthcare industry more safe and more secure — and it’s really not surprising, considering the number of security breaches these days on POS systems, that people automatically assume that their personal information isn’t safe.
While it’s impossible to guarantee 100% that a retail pharmacy POS system will definitely fend off every single security threat and cyberhacker that tries to get in, there are plenty of ways that your local pharmacy is doing everything possible to make sure that your personal information is protected and your health is a top priority:
- Many pharmacies now use specialized pharmacy POS systems which provide important features that apply to health records and also personal financial records.
- One way that these POS systems manage to handle both responsibilities is through encrypted card swiping and electronic signature capturing features. These ensure that fraudulent charges are kept to a minimum because the pharmacy has a record of every transaction that takes place; it also ensures that no one pretended to be you in order to pick up one of your prescriptions!
- HIPAA regulations are intended to keep personal health information just that — personal. It’s illegal for anyone to access or share this information without the individual’s consent, and this definitely applies to small details like the prescription medications you use. Good pharmacy systems include solid computer systems that are capable of recording prescription information while still keeping the bad guys out.
- It’s also really important to note that going to your local pharmacy is much safer than shopping at an online pharmacy! It’s impossible for the federal government to control most of these pharmacies, and therefore it’s impossible to ensure that your information — including payment information and prescription information — is kept safe. Local pharmacies, on the other hand, always abide by government regulations.
And of course, if you’re ever concerned about the security measures that your own pharmacy is taking, simply walk in and ask the pharmacist for more information! Continue your research here.