Just 20 years ago, the technological capabilities of cloud would have seemed beyond the scope of what a small business could ever have access to. Businesses were only just starting to implement the widespread use of desktop computers, and cell phones were barely a thing — the infrastructure necessary to support cloud was not yet in place. Today, though, it’s hard to imagine a business growing successfully without eventually incorporating cloud as a way to store data and manage software.
Are you interested in finding out the many ways in which cloud computing solutions could change the way you manage your company? Here are five key ways that cloud solutions could be helping your business.
1. You Can Save Money on Software
About 76% of small businesses have reduced the cost of running applications by moving them to cloud, according to the Small Business Administration. Instead of costly implementation and ongoing support in the form of your IT staff, instead, everything is maintained from a remote location for a far lower cost.
2. Increased Flexibility
Small, new businesses often experience growth in unexpected ways. You want to be able to handle the changes your business might experience quickly and efficiently. Cloud computing can allow you to quickly increase your data storage, or can allow your employees to work from an alternative location.
3. You Can Become More Green
Did you know that approximately 65% companies report consuming lower energy, and reducing waste, after a switch to cloud? Considering that about 80% of American consumers report wanting to buy “green” products, making this switch can give your company a valuable selling point as to the sustainability of your services.
4. Reduce the Risks Your Company Takes On
According to a recent report by MIT, some of the most common security risks to data are associated with not using dedicated server hosting for data storage. Information is often lost in storage facilities, misplaced and potentially picked up by the wrong people, or stolen owing to improper treatment of discarded servers.
5. Improve Relationship With Customers
With cloud hosting, you can connect better with your customer base. Many marketing and sales initiatives can be more easily tailored to the individual needs of consumers using cloud. Cloud has intercompany connection benefits as well, since it encourages the use of internal communications.
Would you be interested in dedicated server hosting? Let us know in the comments. References.