In an age of instant communication, it seems that facts, products and messaging are all constantly ready and available, right at our fingertips. And it is all attributed to the development of machinery and technology.
Among the many devices that have assisted in this communications and documentation revolution, there is one item in particular that stands out. The item that has contributed significantly to this revolution is the computer document scanner.
The computer document scanner performs a wide variety of functions, and does so in many different capacities. Some of the areas in which it has become incredibly useful include the areas of passports and driver’s licenses.
For example, about 46%, or almost half, of all Americans have a passport, and in 2015, 218 million folks had driver’s licenses. The computer document scanner, in particular the identification scanner and license scanner, streamlines the processing and storing of all this important information.
Also, the computer document scanner has been a tool for the retail economy. For instance, shoppers now are able to pick up items and pay onsite when the merchant has a kiosk scanner. No more waiting in long lines to check out. This is a benefit for the consumer and the retailer alike.
By far, however, two of the most affected areas using the computer document scanner are the businesses using magnetic card readers and lottery ticket scanners. In America, it is estimated that 7 out of 10 people have a credit card–at least one. On every credit card, there is a magnetic strip which holds personal and account data. Magnetic ID card readers are a great asset to credit card business transactions.
Likewise, the lottery business in America has made great use of the computer document scanner. For example, the past year has seen a lottery ticket being purchased by nearly 50% of all Americans. The lotto scanner has made it possible for the lottery industry to keep expanding.
As if all this good news about the benefits of the computer document scanner wasn’t enough, there’s another advantage to it that we should consider. The computer document scanner is eco-friendly. It saves paper and that makes it better for the environment. Since approximately 10,000 pieces of paper are used each year by the average office worker in America, a scanner is an efficient and forward thinking piece of equipment.
All in all, a scanner like this is worth more than a sweeping glance…it merits a careful look!