The printed circuit board is a marvel of technology and art in one slim, convenient package. Just as customers want to make sure they’re getting their money’s worth when they seek out a new laptop or phone, so too do businesses want to keep them coming back for more. The only way to do that is to ensure your low volume PCB service gets all the basics covered and in good fashion. What would those be? Take a look at the list below so you’re not taking anything for granted.
Appreciate A Growing Industry
Your average PCB isn’t made like they used to…and for good reason. Technology has only gotten better over the years and the only way to appreciate that is to look at how the industry has grown. Back in 1995 (that’s about 50 years after PCBs were first introduced) the industry reached $7 billion for the very first time. A mere five years later it would then hit $60 billion. That’s all well and good on the financial side, as you’ll be happy to know the assembly process has also seen exponential growth.
Combine Human Ingenuity With Machine Assembly
It’s a common misconception that the best prototype PCB assembly is purely done from an assembly line. The fact of the matter is that combining both a human hand with an assembly line will yield the most accurate and speedy results. A single automatic line is able to both place and solder more components than even 50 hand solder operators. It also reduces the margin for human error. A human eye, however, can take a look at the final product and ensure it meets your company’s high standards.
Perfect The Printing Technique From The Get-Go
Crafting a printed circuit board means completing every step the right way, lest quality suffer and your business be considered a nuisance rather than a benefit. Problems caused by the printing technique alone accounted for over 70% of all surface assembly quality issues. Although you can create a circuit board any number of ways, the most common multilayer boards are the four layers, the six layers and the eight layers. You can even have up to 42 layers, though these are considered the most complex electronic circuits and are delegated to special constructions.
The Best Materials Yield The Best Results
What else goes into the creation of a printed circuit board? A heavy copper PCB is a printed circuit board with the copper thickness of 3 ounces or more in either the inner or outer layers. Trace thickness is a term used to denote the ounces of copper used. A solder paste applier, pick-and-place machine and infrared oven are all used to ensure every layer is kept in place to the most minute of details. Transistors are able to continue miniaturizing until the reach the size of a single nanometer.
Seek Out A High Quality Circuit Board Assembly
Printed circuit boards are used for a wide variety of electronics. When you seek out a PCB prototype service, you and your customers deserve results that will last. The average engineer’s salary can vary quite a bit these days, from $50,000 to over $150,000. PCB design software has made the printing process easier than ever and, with the combined efforts of both human hands and machine assembly lines, accurate results have made inferior products nearly a thing of the past. Five days or less is the average amount of time nowadays, meaning your quick turn PCB assembly service can get you back on the map in no time at all.
The future slows for no one. Are you prepared for your PCB assembly quote?