How Does the Automotive Industry Ensure That Their Products are Safe

When the Ford motor company released the Model T on October 1, 1908, the world was shaken by what was considered to be the globe’s first practical and affordable automobile. Just over a hundred years later, the average American household has an average of nearly three vehicles. In 2013 there were 7.78 million vehicles sold […]

The Four Elements of an Effective Website

If you are a business in 2015, chances are, you have a website or are in the process of building a website. Those who fail to have an online landing page are missing out on an extremely profitable market. While paper advertisements still exist and are to some degree successful, without integrated digital marketing strategy, […]

Spotify Now Offers Tailored Playlists

Building and maintaining brand loyalty is crucial, which is why music streaming service launched its new “Discover Weekly” feature. See, a repeat customer spends about two-thirds (approximately 67%) more than a new one. Consequently, building brand loyalty with just 5% of a brand’s customers leads to an increased average profit per custom of between 25% […]

Is Your Small Business Getting the Most Out of Its Advertising Budget? When to Expand

banner printing Even though most correspondence is handled via email nowadays, more than half of all Americans still enjoy receiving mail and checking their mailboxes for letters and magazines. Although many businesses confine their marketing to digital media, many do recognize that people still enjoy receiving promotional gifts and printed advertisements the old-fashioned way: by […]

Web Based Marketing will Capture Your Targeted Customer Base

You?ve got a website, people can find you online, but is your website serving you? Are your site visitors return customers, or are new clientele finding your site? How does pay per click advertising work? What is managed pay per click advertising? There are many questions when trying to effectively market our businesses, and in […]

4 Ways Your Local Pharmacy Is Protecting Your Personal Information

Few people actually think about how their local pharmacies are making the healthcare industry more safe and more secure — and it’s really not surprising, considering the number of security breaches these days on POS systems, that people automatically assume that their personal information isn’t safe. While it’s impossible to guarantee 100% that a retail […]

3 Benefits Of Hiring A Print Company To Help Advertise Your Business

In our increasingly digital age, it can be easy to scoff at printing services as a method of advertising. but there are still an incredible number of benefits to the word in print, and if you’re considering printing ads or literature about your business, you need to be aware of what they are: 1. Hiring […]

Feet On The Ground, Data in the Cloud Keeping Your Information Secure

A growing concern among many companies that store clients’ private data digitally these days is how secure their security systems really are. With a growing number of news stories about cyberattacks and hacking, many companies are becoming concerned that their private information is as secure as their security systems claim it really is. Indeed, studies […]

Customer Service Mistakes You May Not Recover From

According to several recent surveys, customer service is getting better, but it’s still not great. It is a fact that only 4% of unhappy customers call or otherwise contact businesses to sound off about negative experiences. Still, to say that most customers are complaint-free just isn’t true. Here’s what customers don’t like, whether they’re taking the time to […]

Pharmacy Point of Sale Systems Why They Are Useful

Needless to say, pharmaceuticals are a huge industry in the United States. During the last 30 days, about 48.5% of Americans have used at least one kind of prescription drug. Moreover, three out of four medical visits involve the use of some kind of pharmaceutical. In 2010 alone, more than 2.6 billion prescription drugs were […]

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