Chuck E Cheese Looking For New Creative Agency

When just about the only press you get is in a BuzzFeed list of nostalgic stuff from the 90’s, it’s probably time to get the best creative agency you can working on your brand development process, and it’s why Chuck E. Cheese is looking to hire a new creative agency. AdWeek reports that the fallen […]

Why You Need to Get a Modern POS System in Your Restaurant ASAP

The modern restaurant: you don’t have to read Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential to know that running a successful eatery is part herding the forces of Hell, part talented, creative chefs with ego problems, and part luck. As Bloomberg BusinessWeek points out, on average, 90% of all new restaurants close their doors within the first year. […]

Five Tips for the Best Internet Marketing

If you want to expand your business, there is no faster or easier way than to make sure you have the best internet marketing possible. Because today’s consumers are increasingly reliant on websites to help them find businesses and compare products, you need to be sure that your website design is conducive to helping you […]

Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report Reveals The Biggest Threat To Your Company

Data delivery, data storage, and data security at every step of the process is vitally important. So why did nearly half (47%) of enterprises lose data in 2013 and another 66% struggle to get recovery software and operations to work in that same year? The answer is complex and, at the same time, simple. It […]

Search Engine Optimization and Website Design What You Need to Know

At a time when mobile phones comprise a larger share of total Internet usage and when search engines process more than a trillion requests every year, website design and maintenance are essential to any successful business model. Most businesses, large and small, have at least some kind of online presence. From a modest home website […]

Cloud Servers That Double as Radiators?

Cloud hosting services can do some pretty amazing things to say the very least. They can make companies more productive, more innovative, more cost-efficient, and if a new startup is successful, heat homes. Dutch startup Nerdalize offers consumers high-performance cloud servers that double as radiators thanks to the excess heat generated from computing. Though it’s […]

Questions to Ask Prospective File Transfer Services

If you’re looking to send very large files over the Internet, you may have already found that email isn’t an option. In those cases, you’ll want to use something called a file transfer protocol, or FTP, a standard network protocol that transfers computer files from one host to another. FTP is the method most website […]

After More Than 20 Years, the Women’s Health Initiative Continues to Promote Health and Well-Being

Health research can often seem limited to the labs and biobanking facilities where it takes place. However, thanks to the very nature of translational medicine, this type of study has a significantly likely chance of being used to guide healthcare decisions, develop new technologies and even direct lifestyle choice. Take the national Women’s Health Initiative, […]

The 3 Things to Remember When Building an Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce websites — ones that look to sell products online, rather than simply giving information or hosting content — are a subset of web design that deserve special attention. As with all websites, there are many things you can do to boost an ecommerce site’s success, such as catering to mobile and even choosing the […]

Finding Work Life Balance with an After Hours Answering Service

Sally was good at a lot of things. She was a good communicator, a great cook, and her kids frequently made her cards that declared her the best mom in the world. But Sally struggled in one important quality: balance. She started her own accounting business after her kids were old enough for school, and […]

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